Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012! Hope everyone rang in the New Year beautifully.What did you do for New Years!?

I was lucky enough to go with the fiance to Aruba! It was sad to know I won't be getting married there but... we have some exciting plans that we have been working on. 

Question to everyone: How early should you really send out your wedding invitations?  I'm struggling with this one since we have/will be engaged for so long.

Now that we are doing the Long Island backyard wedding, we are going to do EVERYTHING at the house and wow are we saving so much money. I am updating the budget today for everyone to see :)

Until next time....


  1. How fun that you went to Aruba! We sent out invites 8 weeks prior to the wedding. We've gotten some sent as early as 12 but I think generally they are sent 6-8 weeks before

  2. Happy 2012 to you as well madam! Thank you for stopping by my blog today, you really made my not so great day a bit better. :)
    I celebrated the New Year at work :/ Oh well, its not like we could do anything special anyways, so I at least spent it with a friend and mentor.
    I've never been to Aruba. Whats it like there? I bet its pretty.
    We have no idea when we're sending out our invites either. We know it has to wait until after July when I come home on leave so we can do our engagement shoot, but I have no idea when we're actually sending them out. Haha.

    Whats a Long Island backyard wedding? I've never heard of it, so I'm curious. :)

    Happy Thursday
    <3 Jenn

  3. Long Island backyard wedding - In Long Island, NY, in the backyard of my future in-laws house. We have to save money :)

  4. 2-3 months before so everyone can plan accordingly! Some people have complicated schedules :)

  5. oooh aruba...a perfect vacation..I am so jealous!! :-)

  6. I just found your blog and I like it!!!
    Take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    You like art and fashion?
    Good start to the year!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
